Artist Retreats
Hey guess what!
Artists get burnt out too. It's a fact.
There is so much going on in the world, and so much that gets in front of us on a daily basis that we often feel overwhelmed and it gets hard to create. Some of us also have so many projects going on that deciding what to work on, and when, can lead to creation paralysis.
Heading out on a retreat does a number of things.
A break from social media
While you're on retreat put your phone on silent, drop it in your bag, and wait till you're done retreating and processing to update.​
New perspectives
Retreats can be in places closer to nature, in a new town, and just outside of your own space.
A break from your personal space
Since you're bringing a limited number of supplies to the retreat your project options are narrowed offering the opportunity to focus on one thing, learn a new style, or finish a project.​
Learn a different skill, or several, or maybe a new project type
- Retreats can be for just specific media types, specific projects or styles, or free form
New collaborative opportunities
​around new people who have different skills and ideas.​
​Add people to your network​​, find collaborative partners, make new friends, and meet others in creative industries
There are so many other reasons to take a retreat for a day, a weekend, or longer! Our next retreat day is:
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